Category Christian Living

You Would Wait Too

by Daphne Eilein Landers She was anxious to get out of the car. After 20 minutes on the road, my four-year-old basset hound recognized the sitter’s house, and she was eager to greet him. As I parked the car, in…...

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Finding No Way

But finding no way because of (the crowd)1they went up on the roof and lowered him, with his stretcher through the tiles into the midst, in front of Jesus. Luke 5:19 AMP If you are anything like me, you have…...

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Wisdom’s Treasure – Wisdom Speaks

by Karin Syren Choose my instruction rather than silver, And knowledge rather than pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it. Proverbs 8:10, 11 NLT For he who finds me finds…...

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Equilibrium In High Heels

Get Your Head on Straight to Get Your Life in Balance Inspirational Ink: Insight for a Woman’s Life by Tammi Ector The problem: Your work and life are out of balance! The attitude with which career women approach life is…...

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