by Kath Swanson
The last three months of this pregnancy have been a hard go for me, with a cloud of gloomy darkness settling in on my soul. Isn’t this the time to be exuberant and glowing? How is it that I’m lamenting my current state of pregnancy when there are so many women who can’t bear children? It doesn’t seem fair that I should be battling with nausea and dark mental thoughts. What’s going on here? Normally, I’m even-keeled and a glass half-full kind of gal. Recently, though, my mind is in a complete state of lethargy and depression with the added bonus of my husband working 80 hour work weeks and two toddlers to care for, the Lord reminded me that in my weakness He has made stronger. Well, “I need your strength Lord, to get through this!” Though not clinically diagnosed with depression, I’m battling with something that rings strongly of it.