Scars and Our Salvation

by Hatcher

I have a scar on my hand from an episode that occurred during my foolish teenage years. It is apparent to no one but me, but it reminds me of where I was before Jesus found me.

Whenever the subject of justification comes up in theological discussions, someone inevitably defines it as “Just As If I’d Never Sinned.” I know what they mean, that when Christ justifies us, He cleanses us and makes us new. To me, though, the thought of the evidence of my sinfulness being completely erased minimizes how lost I truly was.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to wear a scarlet letter on my forehead forever as penance for my past life. I do think that to completely erase even the memory of my sinfulness is to deny Christ the proper credit for the amazing work He did for me on the cross.

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