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Prayer Focus

Prayer Focus

Lord, thank you for inspiring me to live healthy and giving me the courage to pursue fitness. I pray that my body be able to keep up with my spirit. I want my body to represent You well. Please give…...

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Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough

Ever wonder why some people seem to experience joy in their daily lives–even in the tough times–and others can’t seem to find it no matter how hard they search? Is a joy-filled life really possible? The answer is yes! And…...

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Prayer Focus: Emotional Healing

Prayer Focus

Dear Father, You are the Healer of the brokenhearted. You declare that You bind up our hurts and wounds. Because it is Your nature to heal, I ask You to heal me of all emotional wounds. By Your love and…...

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Prayer Focus: Wisdom

Dear Father, the bible says that if any of us lacks wisdom, to ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to us (James 1:5). So Father, we draw to You in…...

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Prayer Focus: Favor

Prayer Focus

Dear Father, As we begin this New Year, I surrender myself to you so that You would guide me and lead me. I pray this year for revelation and favor over my life and all that concerns me. Let Your…...

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Prayer Focus: Gratitude

Prayer Focus

Dear Heavenly Father, We come humbly before Your presence to honor and glorifying Your Holy Name. In this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, we thank You for Your continued grace, mercy, and provision. We thank You for this past season…...

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